Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Last Day of the December Fitness Challenge

Day 31

Dec 30
To end this challenge and 2015 we are going to perform 12 exercises for 12 rep each to symbolize each month of the year. To make it more interesting and take your mind off the number try counting down using the months, Jan...Feb...March...etc.!

 Pushups - When down on the ground, set your hands at a distance that is slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Your feet should be set up in a way that feels right and comfortable to you. Think of your body as one giant straight line. Your head should be looking slightly ahead of you, not straight down. At the top of your push up, your arms should be straight and supporting your weight. Steadily lower yourself until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle or smaller. 
Jackknife - Lie flat on the floor with your legs straight. Extend your arms straight back behind your head. Exhale and as you do so, raise both your arms and legs to meet at the top of the jackknife position. Inhale and lower your arms and legs to return to the starting position. Repeat
Plank Jacks - ·Begin in plank position, with your shoulders over your wrists, your body in one straight line, and your feet together. Like the motion of a jumping jack, jump your legs wide and then back together. Jump as quickly as you want, but keep your pelvis steady and don't let your booty rise toward the ceiling.
Squats - Stand with feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart, hips stacked over knees, and knees over ankles. Roll the shoulders back and down away from the ears. Extend arms out straight so they are parallel with the ground, palms facing down. Initiate the movement by inhaling and unlocking the hips, slightly bringing them back. Keep sending hips backward as the knees begin to bend. While the butt starts to stick out, make sure the chest and shoulders stay upright, and the back stays straight. Keep the head facing forward with eyes straight ahead for a neutral spine. The best squats are the deepest ones your mobility allows. Optimal squat depth would be your hips sinking below the knees (again, if you have the flexibility to do so comfortably).

Plyo Push up - Begin in a standard push-up position with elbows bent at 90 degrees and tucked close to the body. Now push it with enough force to jump the hands off the ground and quickly clap together before landing. This one might be best to practice from the knees with the goal of working towards doing them from the toes. 
Frog Squat Jumps - Begin in a wide stance, feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart, with toes turned slightly out. Keeping the chest up, drop into a deep squat position, hands reaching to the floor. Now explode upwards into a jump. Land softly and quickly repeat with an emphasis on the height of each jump. 
Mountain Climbers - Assume a pushup position with your legs extended behind you, arms straight, hands directly below your shoulders and your body straight. Keep your upper body still and arms straight as you swiftly bend your right leg and bring your knee up toward your right arm. Reverse your movement and repeat with your left leg and continue to march your legs back and forth and quickly as possible, like running in place. 
Shoulder Taps - Start in a push-up position. Lift up one hand to touch your opposite shoulder and return to the start position. Alternate arms.
Bicycle - Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground (pull your navel in to also target your deep abs). Put your hands behind your head, then bring your knees in towards your chest and lift your shoulder blades off the ground, but be sure not to pull on your neck. Straighten your right leg out to about a 45-degree angle to the ground while turning your upper body to the left, bringing your right elbow towards the left knee. Make sure your rib cage is moving and not just your elbows. Now switch sides and do the same motion on the other side to complete one rep.
Plank to Push-up - Start in a plank position on your forearms with your feet shoulder width apart and your lower back flat. Press your body up to a push-up position and then lower yourself back down into the plank. Since these are timed sets alternate sides for the recommended duration.

Squat Jumps- Stand with your feet hip-width apart . Push your hips back and bend your knees to lower into a full squat. Once your thighs are parallel to the floor, explode into a maximum-height vertical jump. Land in the same spot with your feet at hip-width apart and absorb the impact by pushing your hips back and bending your knees. Immediately lower into a squat to go into the next rep.
Burpee - Begin in a standing position. Drop into a squat position and place your hands on the ground. Kick your feet back, while keeping your arms extended then perform a push-up. Immediately jump your feet back in returning your feet to the squat position. Jump up from the squat position. 


*Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. This information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional. If you experience any pain or difficulty with these exercises, stop and contact your healthcare provider.   

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Hermosa Beach/South Bay, CA, United States
Fitness isn’t one size fits all. I work with my clients to find a good balance with food and fitness and to motivate and encourage them towards a more positive, healthy, active lifestyle.


Tonya makes working out fun. She has a fantastic personality and is very encouraging. I've been training with her for over 6 months and have noticed a huge difference in my appearance and strength. I wish I could train with her every day! - Eleanor

Tonya's approach to fitness is creative and multifaceted - her drills are so creative that she actually makes workouts fun, tailoring sessions to my likes while still pushing me to my limit. Since starting to train with Tonya, I am stronger, more energetic and I feel like I can conquer the world! -Nina

I was a basketball coach for almost 30 years and knew how to get players in condition to play. Then I met Tonya , a knowledgeable, experienced and popular trainer. She inspired me to work out and enjoy it after a long day teaching and coaching. She is well researched and up to date with the latest conditioning and training ideas and methods. She is a professional who keeps up with her certifications and has years of experience. She has worked with clients of all ages and levels of fitness, so I would confidently send my elderly parents to her knowing they would be in good hands. She is flexible, empathetic and friendly. You KNOW you’ve had a workout and yet had a good time because of her innovative style and personality. I know of men who’ve commented that she was a taskmaster and yet kept coming back again and again. I’m near retirement age and I can say that Tonya has inspired me to continue training despite my naturally lazy attitude. She keeps it fresh and entertaining! ~Coleen O.

TL Fitness